Posts Tagged ‘insolvency’

Guide to Company Liquidation in Ireland

Guide to Company Liquidation in Ireland

Liquidation occurs when a business is unable to continue trading and needs to shut down its business operations. This can be due to a variety of reasons but for the most part, it is because of financial difficulties. Winding-up a company in Ireland can...Continue reading

Five reasons for Company Insolvency

Five reasons for Company Insolvency

Company insolvency is a difficult topic. Failure is a word that every business owner dreads. Nobody sets up a company to fail, but unfortunately, it is a reality. It is important that you do not ignore obvious indicators that a business is in trouble...Continue reading

Director of a Liquidated Company? – Everything You Need to Know

Director of a Liquidated Company? – Everything You Need to Know

No one wants to be a director of a liquidated company. Insolvency and eventual liquidation are two of the most undesirable things for any business. Most directors view it as proof of failure and incompetence. And yet, hundreds of businesses go into liquidation every year in...Continue reading